Wednesday, December 30, 2009

December 29, 2009

Today I did the tiniest amount of house cleaning. It was a half hearted effort at best. If you saw my house you might doubt that ANY amount....even the tiniest was actually completed. It doesn't look much different than before I started except for the fact that my shelves in the den have now all been dusted. The dusted shelves lasted all of 12 seconds before new dust settled in. There are exactly 18 shelves in the bookcase in my den. Before I completed number 18, number 1 shelf dust was laughing at me. I'm not kidding myself. It has won. Dust lives here. It eats and sleeps here.

And when I make a move to get the endust and a rag, kids start texting each other or jump out the nearest window. They don't care that we are constantly living in a huge dog hair/dust ball. So I'm facing it all alone. The dust I discovered had taken up residence and established it's own zip code. I think it's violent dust.....ready to fight for the right to stay exactly where it was. I have since come to my senses and decided I'm not gonna worry about it too much. Most of it resides up out of sight so to even be able to see it would require someone jumping really high or a really really super tall person. If I see potential jumpers I will handle it with a distraction like punching them in the bread basket. It could work. And I won't be inviting any basketball players to my house any time soon either. I'm nothing if not extremely logical.


gnar car said...

well ya know, i'll just say this was asking "us" aka me because i am the only one to do something when she asks to build a fire..."carlie, build a fire. mag, build a fire while i clean the kitchen...come on build a fire." so i do. and it catches but dies down a bit. mom comes in and says AND I QUOTE

"carlie, you're a smart girl but you lack common don't know how to build a fire. make sure the flame is under the wood." and IT WAS. SHE HAD JUST MOVED IT TO THE FRONT. mag had also been messing with. i was incensed. so i smarted off and mom replies,

"you never take criticism from me seriously." and i said because "you always go about it the wrong way. YOU JUST SAID I HAD NO COMMON SENSE." therefore i said i will never build a fire again. and then yesterday when she mentioned wanting a fire and i said that i was not going to be the one to build it since i have no common sense.

so we try. not often but we do. and then we get called a smart kid but we can't build a fire.

Unknown said...

carlie just had a therapy session on her blog post comment...???

Anonymous said...

O M G Carlie can't be taught anything by me I was trying to give her the knowlegde she may need someday when she's on her own. I thought by prefacing how smart She was it would be more recieved. The lack of common sense plagues many very smart people I really didn't see it as an insult sigh. It still makes me laugh though