Thursday, December 17, 2009

Scanning for hours

Well I have spent approximately 4 hours scanning photos tonight and I'm exhausted but satisfied. I've scanned almost all of BJ's photos and let me say there are some doozies. There's plenty of room for embarrassment for all....including be ready. But there are many sweet photos and lots of people I haven't laid my eyes on for many years. This process all got started because I thought we had a picture of our pink flocked Christmas tree but I've not been able to find it. If anyone knows of the picture I'm talking about, I'd love to have a copy. In the meantime, here are some pictures of Christmases way passed. Memories are good to have. There are many more to come in the next week.

How cute am I in my puppy pj's while I'm trying to sell this lame trophy that says best grandfather in the world? I think the look on Gran's face says it all, "I drove all the way over here for Christmas and all I got was this pitiful plastic trophy?"

Ready to start ripping

Carrie is showing someone, maybe me, something exciting.

What the heck is Melanie wearing?
I have no recollection of ever seeing this outfit.
But I'm certain this IS NOT what I was wearing
when I did the high kick that put me on the floor.

These are the fattest trees I've almost ever seen.


Unknown said...

that living room is ORANGE!!!!!!!

gnar car said...

but omg, that plastic trophy has withstood SO MUCH. hahaha. we still use it today.