Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Varying stages of the Gmaw pictures

In this photo Carlie, Caitlin, John, Bill and Maggie seem to be observing Austin's bunny ears expertise. And notice no one is warning Whitney who is ridiculously ready for another is Mollie. Emma is ill prepared for the snap of the camera doing her impression of the calf looking at the new gate scenario. Olivia just off from the action would seem to indicate impatience....due to the folded arms. This observation may be inaccurate BUT I live with her and therefore feel pretty confident in my analysis.

Everyone is ready here. All look as if they know the drill.
John however may be in another time zone.

Again pleased with the effort given. That's Dale off to the left.

In this photo, Jared's eyes are closed which is a classic Walker problem when photos are being taken. I have more closed eye pictures of those 5 than any other person in the family. Maybe that could be an ongoing post......hmmmm. Bill's eyes are also closed. I don't yet have enough pictures of him to know if historically this will be a problem or if he was just having a moment. Time will tell. Another observation, Carlie is staring at the imaginary person off camera. What were you looking at Carlie? And Mollie looks like she is about to say to me, "And one more thing." I cut her off by taking the picture. I like power. John somehow may have moved to Montana but still managed to stay in the picture. I'm interested in knowing what the red lights are in the background. Anyone know? They are not all exit signs. Or are they? I'm not the most observant person in the world. And I don't intend to get better at it. I don't care.


gnar car said...

those two walker girls have got a lot of teeth. my goodness.

and i don't know WHAT i was staring at! staring off into the distance...posing next to invisible people. i'm afraid.

i love your captions for all of them. so perfect! the tidbits about john are the best. hahahahah.

"John somehow may have moved to Montana but still managed to stay in the picture." hilar.

and the red lights are exit signs.

Unknown said...

so enjoyable.