Monday, December 14, 2009

The book secret

Before the fall semester started, Emma bought 3 books in July or August but because of the demands of school, she has been saving them all these months so she could read them over her winter break. They were completely off limits to everyone because she wanted to read them first and not have bent book pages.....she is odd about her books not having creases or anything. Well, unbeknownst to Emma, Olivia has been reading one secretly for some time now, sneaking moments here and there. She finished the book without Emma ever knowing it at all. Olivia is somewhat diabolical and slightly scary. She would be scarier if she were a heathen but because God is harnessing her "diablicolness," I am less frightened.

Well today Emma was talking about the books and being ready to start reading them and Olivia was talking to her about the books, looking totally unaffected by it all. It was quite stunning to watch. I have known she was reading the book but said nothing....I didn't know what she would do to me if I ratted her out. Well today she finally fessed up to Emma that she in fact has read the first book in the series. Shockingly, there was no volcanic eruptions or stomping out in anger. Emma was not surprised at all.......she has been living with Olivia for a long time now. I asked Emma if she knew Olivia was reading the book, and she said, "I had no idea." I on the other hand would have had a very difficult time living this out.....although I did dance a ruined Chicago album around the house for about 2 years hiding it from Melanie back in the day. That album saw more real estate than some people.

Hmmmmmmm..........what is it Carrie says......apples....trees.....hmmmm


Maggie said...

I so totally knew.

gnar car said...

hahahah. this is fantastic.