Tuesday, December 29, 2009

ACT'S and things

So it's fricking freezing outside and walking is like being in a deep freezer. I am not cut out for cold weather and if it's not going to snow then go away cold weather go away.

Today has produced good news. Olivia made the ACT score she needed and took an enormous amount of pressure off of her and in turn.....me. I am so happy for her and now I have only one more child to have to suffer through the process of that test. Things I am checking off the parenting list are: braces....YAY, getting very close to Driver's Ed....YAY again. ACT test one more kid....some things are just a pain in the butt and the things listed above are some of them. Wisdom teeth are also on that list.

There are some emails I am trying to decide about posting....just trying to make sure they are ready. I also have a few stories I have been working on but they need more effort as well.

The house is very close to being de-decorated for Christmas and I'm ready for it to be finished for this year. 2009 is ticking away to the end. I am grateful to God for seeing us through times that were difficult. He is faithful and even when it feels like I was crawling on my belly to the finish line, at least I was still moving forward. And as God as my witness, I will prove to be faithful no matter what comes my way. I am determined to follow God all the days of my life. He is a good God.

Psalms 27:3 Though a mighty army surrounds me, my heart will not be afraid. Even if I am attacked, I will remain confident.

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