Thursday, October 28, 2010

Things that have happened yesterday and today...most are ridiculous

When I came into the den this morning I found Rosie sitting in my seat. She made no attempt to move. She JUST got up about 10 minutes ago and gave me a look to say, "YOU WILL be getting up when I come back." This has been happening A LOT lately. Emma said, "If Rosie could talk she and Grandma would be best friends." I think Emma's correct.

Cool weather is making an attempt to return. Godspeed cool weather stick around please. We're tired of 90 degree heat.

Just a little while ago Emma and I went to get Olivia from school and as we were turning a corner, we were accosted by a butt crack. A man was bent over weeding and his pants weren't tall enough. And although we both laughed, it was a shock to my system. AND if I was so offended then why was I disappointed I forgot to go the same way home so it could happen to Olivia as well? It's possible my mind works in a different way from normal people.

Addy's also thrilled about the cool weather because she's been outside running laps. The whole family enjoys this immensely and whoever sees it happening has to inform the rest of us.

I HATE WITH A PASSION OF A THOUSAND SUNS the Harrison Ford environmental commercial that plays on the radio! If I were interested in what he said I'd still hate it! It's so monotone and depressing as he says something ridiculous like, "What if you had to choose between a giraffe or a flower?" What? You're an idiot. "What if I had to choose between an idiot or you?" OH WAIT THAT'S THE SAME PERSON!!!

It's ridiculous.

Which reminds me even though I'm talking about today, I'm remembering that yesterday lots of stuff happened that was ridiculous. At one point I said, "I need a list of things that are ridiculous." To which Melanie said, "I think the only one not on it would be you maybe?" I AGREED COMPLETELY! It's possible she was being sarcastic when she said it, which was also ridiculous.

So here's my list of ridiculous:

Mollie you know I love you but bejeweled pumpkins are ridiculous. Sometimes Grandma and Lydia must be told no. This pumpkin might be hip if we were in a Halloween version of the movie The Breakfast Club or Pretty in Pink since bedazzling or bejeweling ANYTHING was even questionable 20+ years ago.

This in no way should take away from Mollie's craftiness. She was just following really ridiculous orders.

I ALWAYS have photographic evidence to prove the crazy that lives in our houses.

Back to my list of ridiculous:
Harrison Ford and his commercial
Bugs in lettuce....ewww
Butt cracks in public
The bazillion times I've driven to and from ULM
Pay cuts that affect me in ANY WAY
Addy trying to eat the mailman through the window EVERY SINGLE DAY!! RIDICULOUS!!
How trying to cover one headboard in one room of my house can take 5 days and 4 trips to fabric I've documented before these stores are my own personal version of a horror movie.
How trying to cover one headboard in one room of my house has now turned into painting the room? RIDICULOUS!
ANYONE that lives in Washington DC and expects us to believe they want to "help us"
Rosie back in my spot when I had to leave.

There will be more!


Wait a minute.....that didn't come out right.....


Anonymous said...

I heartily agree YOU ARE queen of the ridiculous!!!! Hahahaha

Monica said...

lol! this was great! I love the way you write. :)