Saturday, October 2, 2010

Fall 1987 in Corsicana

Slade's off roading it in the back yard.

He's making his way to the spectators watching the annual fall football game. The kiddies sitting on the fence are Jared, Brooke, Meredith, and Lindsey. Austin's sitting on the bucket. Randy's running in the pasture.

Slade found a treasure. I miss children crawling in the yard.

Randy's running, Frank's taken time to pray to the Lord and John's watching it all happen.

Meredith's decided to rev up the spectators with a little cheer

Brooke and Lindsey are watching as John and Randy run in perfect harmonious union.

Peeps here: Randy, Meredith, Jared and Austin

Kiddos enjoying the game.

Austin and Jared have joined the game.

Jared taking a break

John and Frank in the huddle

Brooke, Meredith and Lindsey still spectating.

I know for a fact I never appreciated these times enough when they were happening. But it was sheer fantasticness without a doubt.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

i just have to ask...what the h*** was i wearing?!?! and for another matter...what was up with my hair?!? didn't anyone love me?!?!?! :)
LOVE LOVE all of your posts...i'll return to my regular programming soon...

love yall!