Saturday, October 16, 2010

Jospeh Garvin Walker

It's been a long time since I did a post about one of my dad's siblings so I thought I'd do one today.

Joseph Garvin Walker, born April 5, 1915, was the 5th child of James Gibson and Margaret Jane Garvin Walker. He was closest in age to my dad who was the baby of the family. I can see from pictures that he was handsome and I've been told he was somewhat mischievous. He worked as a paymaster in World War II because he'd been schooled as a bookkeeper, and that's about all I know about him.

Joe never fought in a battle and he came home safely from the war, but on his way to work out of town, he was killed in a car accident on September 17, 1947. Maggie's precious son had survived war but somehow died tragically driving down the road in Texas.

I don't understand life.

I would love to have known him.

This photo says, "sweatin it out" Jan. 1945 France


gnar car said...

the last one! he's very attractive!

one of my fav pics ever.

Anonymous said...

Mollie and Nina said he NEVER walked thru the kitchen without untying their aprons. Never. Bet they would get frustrated with him. He was always up to something. Goes without saying I'm sure they would've gladly let him frustrate them forever after he was gone. Makes me so sad we didn't know him.

CAW said...

That last picture is Model worthy...he was handsome... and yep I bet your right Melanie.