Sunday, October 24, 2010

A lean week

I know Sunday afternoon has come around again because football's on TV and my kids are studying furiously trying to catch up before Monday comes.

I don't know that I believe cool weather will ever come this year. It's just not working out like I'd planned. My favorite tree in town is losing it's leaves before they turn the beautiful color of yellow and I'm so disappointed. Even small children are praying for rain. It's a dust bowl outside.

This hasn't been a bad week but my attitude has been questionable. ULM has a new president, not sure how that will affect John's job. That's all I'll say about that. Owen said a student came to school drunk Friday. How does that happen? It's so sad and pitiful. And it's not a story I ever thought one of my kids would ever come home telling me. And that also makes me sad.

I cleaned every inch of my bedroom yesterday and let me say someone should be ashamed of the mounds of dust behind the furniture. SOMEONE dropped the ball on being a good housekeeper. I'm gonna have to talk to John about that.

As you can tell by this post it's been a lean week for interesting things. My main goal in life is transporting my children back and forth when someone needs a ride, which is often.

I'll end this pain by taking a much needed nap. Maybe something interesting will happen in my dreams.

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