Sunday, October 17, 2010

A wrap up of the week that was...

I've got the computer for the next 5 minutes so I'd better make good use of the time because people are lined up to use it for schoolwork. I guess that comes first. I've already mapped out most of the week that happened so the few tidbits left are:

We had a huge owl in the back yard last night. Addy found him. She was barking at something up high and when we walked out, he was just sitting on the power line looking at us. He was not afraid. Our cat Willie needs to stay low. The Internet says they eat lots of small things including cats. Yikes! I'm pretty sure Willie is too fat to handle flying through the air. Let's hope so.

So far the fall leaves are not cooperating with me for photographicness. They are all just sort of shriveling up and falling off due to the extreme drought conditions we are currently in. I'm still hoping for a few good pictures but I'm just not sure if it will happen.

I heard a person warming up a horn for band practice the other day when I was picking Owen up from school. It was quite delightful as the breeze was blowing and the music was playing. We stayed for a while and watched as the kids marched and played. That's not easy to do, walk backwards or make a circle as they were playing. Nu uh....couldn't do it no way. I was impressed.

I have a couple of ideas for some posts but it's been lean lately so they may be few and far between for a bit.

I really need to be in Corsicana but as hard as I've tried to get there, it's just not likely to happen til Spring. Sigh...

While we were in the car last night, one of my daughters (not Emma or Olivia) was getting ESPN updates about the LSU football game. She doesn't know why. BUT as one update came in, she said and I quote, "LSU just did something to score 3 points." Hmmmm.....Caitlin might it have been a field goal? I think you may need to know a little bit more about football dear.

Last night at the supper table as the girls were arguing about something, Owen tried to talk me into going to get some ice cream and he said, "Let's just us go Mom and we can leave them here to stew in their bitterness."

Why can't ice cream be fat free and still taste delicious?

I think I need to record my life because I hear lots of funny stuff as I go but I can never remember any of it.

Total bummer.

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