Friday, February 26, 2010


He was looking mighty fine this day in his khakis.

Someday it would end…..someday…..some year it would be over. The ones that tied us to the past would all be gone and the only things left would be a little old clapboard house on the edge of a lovely pasture.

But the things that his hands built: fences, barns, chicken pens, all still remain. All are weathered and rugged looking but the structures are firm. I’m glad I can look out and see the place that was his, but still having him here and healthy would be so much better. To see that face, those blue eyes, that warm, inviting smile….how wonderful it would be.

But even though he moved to heaven over six years ago, I still remember the fun and the laughter he gave so freely. There was no other like him and I’m glad about that because no one could ever take his place. I’ve never met anyone else with his name and that’s as it should be because he was one of a kind, an original, and I loved him and he loved me and somehow he made sure I knew it. The funny thing is I don’t really remember him ever saying the actual words “I love you.” But I knew that he did. He made me feel special. I knew that he enjoyed my company and when I arrived at his house he greeted me as if my coming to visit was important to him. And there was always that perfect moment when he saw me and I knew he was genuinely pleased that I was there.

I’ve thought alot about Gran and what made him so special because the time I spent with him is some of my most treasured and personal memories. I keep them all very close to my heart. But also important to me is that somehow, someway my grandfather made me feel special...I was his wonderful, lovely and precious granddaughter. It didn't matter what I looked like or if I made a mistake....he loved me in spite of anything I did or said...right or wrong. I felt it. I knew that he loved me. I knew that he liked me. No matter what the world made me feel like I could depend on the pleasure of Gran's company. He portrayed a great example of unconditional love but I didn't really realize that until many years later.

When I was at his farm for a visit, my favorite thing to do with my grandfather was anything he was doing. He could even make going to the dump fun. He always kept his yard "starched and ironed" as Grandma would say. And it still has the the most perfect back porch with a huge red oak tree towering overhead sheltering any inhabitants below from the hot Texas sun. That porch has been a place for relaxing, talking, planning, praying, dreaming, grieving, thinking, but most of all for laughing. And it was there that my grandfather would just sit and be with me. We would talk about nothing, anything, or everything. He wanted to hear what I had to say and he respected my opinion. He didn't always talk; he listened. He made me feel like what I said mattered to him.

He had the best sense of humor and he could make me laugh til I hurt! He told story after story.....some can be repeated and some can't.... and some I just made him tell over and over again because they were my favorites. If I had to choose words to describe my grandfather they would be honorable, good, and decent. His name was Truly and he was wonderful. He thought his name was silly and he never wanted any of his grandchildren to name our kids after him but I wish I had. His name suited him because he was sure and true. God was generous when He gave him to me. Thank you God for my Truly. There will only ever be one Truly Etheredge.


CAW said...

Well said Sis...well said

Cyndi/SONshine said...

You write so very well! Brought tears to my eyes! Gran was the closest thing I ever had to a grandfather . . . If you go to my notes under my FB profile page, you will see my childhood somewhat robbed me of the 'grandfather' experience. But when I married Jerry, and he took me and our children to Gran's for celebrations of the 4th of July . . . I fell in love with Gran. His piercing blue eyes told me I too was loved and accepted. Yes, he had some quirks . . . but that just made one love him more, because he was unique. If I had lived in the area, I am afraid I might have been a nuisance hanging around him just to follow him around the place and chat the time away. Even my girls have such very fond memories of him, (as well as my nephew and niece) . . even though our time shared with him was very limited because of distance. I also miss him . . . but thank God for the 'Gran' he allowed me to share. I can just imagine him and Jesus walking the pastures of heaven . . and Jesus enjoying every minute!