Sunday, February 7, 2010

Gran and his goats

You gotta love a man that loves a goat. I guess that's not necessarily true but you gotta love THIS man. Gran went through the gamut of raising animals on the farm and he was constantly looking for something else to try to care for successfully. I'm not sure Bessie had that same "entrepreneurship" as he did for the different things he wanted to raise but she at least endured it if nothing else. He had cows, horses, sheep, goats, quail and all manner of chickens just to name some of the ones I remember. Even though he had little trouble putting a hurting animal out of it's misery, he always made sure they were well taken care of as long as they were under his ownership, even the ones that ended up at the butcher. He certainly didn't suffer from any broken hearts when it involved an animal. I think he was pretty grieved when someone stole their beagle they had way long time ago. And I do wonder if that made him decide that no animal would ever again break his heart. Although, Hannah the cow came close.

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