Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Nina, Caitlin, Carlie and Mollie

I find this picture so visually enjoyable. In the first place I have no idea why I have decided in my mind that Carlie had totally been talking trash to Mollie. But it amuses me that I do. But as you can see, the look Mollie is giving her is clearly, "Oh no you di nt!" Again at least in my mind it is. And Carlie looks very pleased that she is making her say that. And what I believe Carlie is saying is, "Oh yes I did just say that and what are you gonna do about it?" That scenario may be completely inaccurate BUT, what IS true is that Caitlin Bess was, is and always will be a character from a very very very funny book or movie. That face is soooo something else.....and still is.....and cracks me up because of it.
Nina Belle just looks pensive, possibly thinking about her hair.

There are lots of legs in the background....no idea whose.

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