Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Another day and some crazy in the books

The first day back to work was an eventful one. One of my little boys called me a knucklehead and a little girl closed another little girls' fingers in the bathroom stall door. So. Fun. 

And it's still cold.

I'm going to try to commit to doing blog posts on a regular basis, but my mind's been a big void when it comes to sitting down and writing about anything. One thing I forgot to cover yesterday was that Emma did move out, and I'm still alive. It really is fine because I know they aren't supposed to live here forever. I do know that. 

Last week some of us went to the movie to see Saving Mr. Banks. And while I enjoyed it immensely, I wasn't prepared for the dramatic part of it. I just thought it was about the making of the Mary Poppins movie. But it was so much more. And as I sat there mesmerized by Emma Thompson's ability to become a character, I also remembered how much I love a good story. It's one of my favorite things. Really good storytelling is an art. My grandfather was good at telling tales about many things. Not all stories are fun to hear, but many are still worth telling. Stories can change people's lives. That's my deep thought for the day.

On these cold mornings John's been building me a fire before he leaves for work, but today when I came into the den there wasn't one set up. So I thought he thought there were too many ashes to set up a fire; but I also noticed there were very hot coals still glowing red. Weird. So I unhappily went out into the cold morning to get the thing we use to put our ashes from the fireplace in and then successfully cleaned it out. It was still so hot from the night before! Even the container was so hot I had to use oven mitts to take it  outside. So. Weird. Well, this afternoon after I got home from work, he and I were talking, and he said something about setting up a fire for me today and I said, "You didn't." Thinking he thought he had, but actually forgot. He looked at me funny and said, "I did set one up." And then we both realized after he set up the fire, and after he'd left for work, it blazed up from the coals from the night before and was completely burned through by the time I came into the den. O.M.G. I'd taken flaming hot coals out that had just finished burning! Not to mention the fact that Caitlin and I slept through an unattended fire in the house! With a screen up of course! But still! Craziness! 

Update: I wrote that last night about yesterday. Sadly, this morning when I came into the den there was no fire set up. If I could insert an emoticon here it would be the one with a little tear. So I set up a fire and let me tell you the wood we're burning could start with a match to the end. It's very very dry. 

Now, after all that talk, talk, talk, lets finish Thanksgiving.....
People had eaten and enjoyed. 
On both sides of the room.
Up close of our names and decorations. 
At some point Maya and I found ourselves locked in the bathroom with William. Not sure why, but we just hung out a bit. 
I'm very sad I didn't get more before pics of the group shot. And I currently don't have the finished group shot. Melanie! Photo stream it to me please! 
William picking up some photographic pointers. 
Checking it out with Gee.
It's possible, due to the Olivia holding her nose, someone may have passed something some people call wind. But it's really SO MUCH MORE.
Silliness always takes place. 
William became thoughtful and introspective. 
Then it passed. 
That night, as tradition continues, gingerbread house construction began. 
Ice cream cones became Christmas'll see.
Cute Emma.
Mollie and I fought for the right to work on ice cream cone Christmas trees. I have to say I was highly offended by my children who didn't want me to participate. I feel....they feel....I have no artistic ability. But that's just not true!
Look at those adorable Christmas trees we made!
It was a large project that covered many tables. But not really.
Trees in the front, Emma in the middle, Aaron in the back. This is a multi layered photo.
The finished products.
Snow covered trees by the frozen pond.
The whole village.
Penguin place.
I had to add more pictures of the amazing trees I helped create.
In fact, I was involved in a Christmas miracle. See that tiny candy gently hanging there? I placed it just so and it lasted the entire Christmas season. Miracle indeed. OK, I actually threw the candy at the tree and it just happened to stick there....but the rest is true! It stayed til Christmas was over. 
Caitlin showed off by baking and making this house from scratch. All her artistic ability comes from me I think. 
As well as her attention to detail and her patience. My blog.....I can say what I want.
The end. 
It was another successful Thanksgiving season with food and fun and laughter and memories made. We missed some who couldn't be here, but there's always next year! 

Now for some bookkeeping....back in the day when I posted a post, it would record the time when I started and not when I posted. Now it records when I finish a post and therefore my stories may have happened yesterday and yet sound like today. It's all so ruining my life. It's jacked up in my head because I don't want to go back and change the words to yesterday instead of today and therefore it makes me nuts! BUT! I'm not changing any of the words. Just know it mostly happened in the last 24 to 48 hours. It matters to me. That's why I'm talking about it. 

Also, in my defense of not blogging, Olivia's taking a winter session accounting class...or she's pretending to take a winter session accounting class while she sits next to Caitlin on the couch. That's all I'm gonna say.  BUT! They're using my computer to do the class and therefore I get it for 7 seconds a night. Or some such amount of time.

Once again, it's afternoon time 2:14 and I'm finished with another post.


I'm out like the south in a snowstorm. 


Mollie_Walker said...

I was waiting for the picture of the miracle Christmas tree ornament!!! We really did ROCK those threes!

Anonymous said...

I will stream the pics to you! It feels like all of thanksgiving and Christmas happened in one swish of a weekend. whew