Friday, August 16, 2013

This may finally be it for randoms

Well school has started off so smoothly I'm constantly looking for the other shoe to drop. One of the reasons it's going so well is because many of our Gap kids are returnees, so they know the drill. And the weather in August is fabulous! One of my fav kids isn't in Gap this year, and I miss her so much. She was hurrying through the room the other day and quickly waved as she went by. Sigh.

Owen's senior year started off just as smoothly, and I've already had to send money to school. Tax dollars NEVER stretch. Don't get me started. 

The girls and I have been watching movies this week, but Monday begins this year's reality check with school and new jobs beginning. Caitlin's going back to school and Emma's starting a new job and life as it has been is ova. At least for a while.   

I really think this is the last random photos post for now. I think I've beat this dead horse to death about 10 times. 
Ranger game! It was in the summer! It was hot!
Watching football in the rain.
Don't know who sent this, but I want this car!
Who knew the people of Wal Mart came from our own family?
It rained a lot in Corsicana.
Maya's ready for the duck blind.
Carlie's at the mall!
Ellie never lacks a comfy place to nap.
Baby Maisy.
No idea who, but adorable. 
That remote is out of control! Get it? I know, it was lame.
Not sure Lindsey is aware she is photographing herself. 
Grace seems to love pillows as much as Addy.
Does this dog cover herself?
Ellie on a road trip!
Pensive Ellie.
Beautiful. I think Carlie took this. 
She remains ridiculous to this day.
This is really great.
In honor of school starting.
The sun is setting on this post of random photos. Anyone sick of it yet?

There it is. The sun is setting on the randoms for now. 

I'm off to run errands before meeting my munchkins.

Peace to the people....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

NO one is sick of randoms!! We all LOVE them!!!!