Thursday, August 22, 2013

I wonder and hope

Yesterday I took this picture on the right as Caitlin was modeling her 25th birthday shoes from Whitney. I took the picture of the little girl Caitlin on a beach in South Carolina when she was almost 3 years old. As I was looking at both this afternoon, I wondered if the two could talk, what she would tell this little girl. I hope she would tell her she could look forward to a fun and loving childhood and that she would be safe and protected as a little girl. And she would be loved more than she could imagine. I wonder....and hope she'd say she would love more than she would hate. She would trust more than she wouldn't. She would forgive as much as she was forgiven. She would be a good student and a trustworthy person. She would be a good friend and a great friend. She would be fun and funny, and creative and artistic and sing beautifully. She would know how important she was to her entire family. 

I wonder if she would she tell her she'd love the beach and a little farm in Texas and Duke basketball and shopping in Dallas. And in 25 years she would have a treasure trove of wonderful memories. 

And finally whisper in her ear to trust God even when she didn't understand, and her faith would see her through.  

At least that's what I hope she would tell her. 

Twenty five. When did this happen? 


Emma said...

I love this. So interesting to think about.
A small dust storm came through the room for a minute.

Anonymous said...

Love this!!

Anonymous said...

I hope she would tell her what stock we need to buy!!


Caitlin said...

That was very sweet mom and Austin is right. Hopefully I would give y'all the scoop on what investments to make!

Becky said...

That is love on paper. Wonderfully done!!

gnar car said...

so lovely.