Friday, September 12, 2014

Lisa's last day at the beach

This is it! I'm almost finished! 

Not really but I'll explain later.

This happened last night at church
Caught by surprise...
She was ready the second time. 
I may have trouble staying focused sometimes. 

My back is better but I still walk crooked. I'm over it. 

After I began receiving comments from anonymous spam things, I changed some setting and stopped it. Now I'm getting weird spam comments from Gunnar and Englebert. It's ridiculous and more annoying. 

Now lets get back at it....for the last time...but really not.
Multi layered photo here. Many layers.
It's the striped convention people.
That's Lindsey on the paddle board. The person on the yellow raft is an interloper. Not belonging to us. 
Weird little fish John caught. 
Gee and William sitting by the seaside.
I would really prefer if the seaweed would be swept up each evening so as to have pristine sand conditions.
Jared paddle boarding. 
Pipe fish John caught.
Little angel fish John caught. 
Seahorse John caught. This is an amazing me anyway. In that huge gulf, he found this swimming about.
The bird pics are some that I love. 
Clearly Carrie hogged James.
James may be bored of it all. 
Billie looks comfy. 
Mollie in winter clothes, because it was freaking freezing our last few days there. 
I guess William did something funny. 
Lindsey's the only one aware of the camera. 
Seriously winter at the beach.
Cutie pie.
Once more.
Awww sissies.
I like this a lot.
The sun is setting on a our vacay....sigh. And the posting!! Woo hoo!!
The setting sun, the water, the bird, this would look good in velvet. 
James finally felt good.
When it was time to go home.
He knew it was time to go...
And he was happy about it. 
I think he agrees.
Just a few more.
I just couldn't stop taking pictures of the sunset.

And there it is. The end in pictures of our wonderful fabulous family vacation. Having said that, I still have all the pictures from our photo shoot from when we got all dolled up and went back to the beach to take good pics. I'm going to move on to something else and come back to those later, just to mix things up and drive myself crazy because they will be out of order. But I'm being crazy like that. 

I think all agreed it was the best beach trip we've ever had. And while I enjoyed looking at the pictures for the blog, I just get overwhelmed about the number of photos and the commentary. I get soooo tired of reading my own words. For. Reals. 

I'll close with this. It's been a weird week. I've been bummed because my back has been worse than it has been in years, and I've been frustrated by it. Then just about all people know about the football player who collapsed at Neville, but miraculously he was brought back to life by quick thinking coaches who knew what to do....which is no small fete....saving a 17 year old boy's life. So proud of people who do brave amazing things. They were just regular people going to work yesterday and ended up doing something courageous and amazing. I can't imagine it, but I'm thankful for it. 

Then of course the anniversary of the tragedy of 9/11. What a terrible day, remembering the ones who didn't get to go home again. Being reminded of the many broken hearts still hurting. Sometimes I forget. Sometimes I forget the sacrifices made by brave people who saved lives, or gave their's for others. They were just regular people who got up and went to work that day and ended up doing something courageous and amazing. 

I'm thankful for brave souls.   

How beautiful is that sacrifice.    


Unknown said...

Beautiful and great reminder!

Mollie_Walker said...


gnar car said...

wow, you went really serious there at the end but i agree. it's amazing.

and you really are very demanding of the beach...pool like conditions for the water, no seaweed on the beach etc etc

also laughed out loud at the winter on the beach. colby covered up is hilar

gnar car said...

also you sneak! never allowed on the back row again!

Anonymous said...

Such a good trip!! Thank you for all the words they really mean the world to all of us!!

CAW said...

Agreed with all....ACES!!!! God bless those people...God bless them all.

Becky said...

Love Love Love. And I love that our family still enjoys going on vacays together! Your comments are stellar and I so look forward to reading. Amen to all the brave ones that serve so faithfully and do amazing things for people they don't even know!!