Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Melanie's last day at the beach

I can't believe I'm finally nearing the end of the Florida posts. What am I gonna post next?! Ha ha ha, just kidding. People may not have noticed, but I never did Christmas or Easter. But I'd not be expecting either of those anytime soon. I also have multi Corsicana trips as well as Mollie and Aaron's wedding. I'll get to all of it soon I hope. 

Update about my back, it still hurts. I'd say 10% better, but that's being really optimistic. It's really hampering me since I have so many projects to do in order to get my house in shape after the new carpet. We all know new carpet is wonderful, but the emptying of one room can destroy the rest of a house! It's all vomited out into every nook and cranny and when you don't want it all back in the newly carpeted room? That's where the problem begins. I have reinvented this too small house so many times, I just can't count. 

Lets get to it. The beach pics that is.

Another multi layered photo.
William was all like, "Carlie, get out of my chair!"
Carlie was all like, "I'm smokin hot."
Cute in the front. John's mad at the fish in the back. 
They were having a moment.
Add water.
Another view of the afternoon crew.
There was never an unimpressive sunset all week.

The progression of this attempt at a good photo begins...
Look at the camera!
Clearly a cheese.
The comments about people's favorite candies are coming in.

So far:
Whitney - anything with chocolate. Does this mean chocolate covered grasshoppers? Because you painted a very broad brush about chocolate. 

Mollie - Skittles, gummy worms, anything with chocolate. Same question to you about bugs covered in chocolate. 

Lindsey - Reese's. Does this include white chocolate Reese's? Just curious. 

Mine is: Well, I love a Twix but I also like the gummy fish from Target, and I like a thin Hershey's chocolate bar. The old fashioned kind. And I love Turtles....the candy...although I do love turtles the animals...but not for food. 

Disclaimer: Don't be expecting a present of candy after this questionnaire. I have no current plans to send any out. That sounded harsh but I don't want people to be disappointed. 

I think this session of, "what's your favorite candy," is over.

Lets see who else will play.

My back has to make it til tomorrow after work....cause Friday is an off day for me!

Woo hoo! I love g-parents day at school!

Peace out candy lovers.


Mollie_Walker said...

I actually had a far more detailed response last time but it didn't post when I told it to publish. So I gave a condensed version the next time around. I only like a gummy bear - Aaron eats those crappy gummy worms and root beer things. YUCK. Reese, dove milk choc, Hershey, whopper, I have a lot of favs. But choc grasshoppers is not on my like it list.

Lisa said...

Thanks for the info Mollie. I've never replied to a comment so I thought I'd try. I actually didn't realize I could!

Becky said...

love the good photo attempts......but they are exhausting sometimes :) I am catching up and reading top to bottom so have not seen the candy fave discussion. I have mine!!