Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Lisa's beach day 5

The weeks are passing into the end of the world. That's how I feel when I open my blog and see more Florida to post. I'm not sure I'll make it to the other side. I'm losing hope. The days and weeks pass and no matter how many posts I post about it, there's always more. If you didn't read that with a very monotone voice in your head, you should go back and read it as such. And now this is an exaggerated tone...why?! Why did we take so many pictures?! Why!? 

Moving on to some housekeeping...

School's progressing for all. Owen's room has a new layer of carpet in it. It looks so much better than it did. Rosie's last couple of years took a toll on the carpet in his room and the girls' as well. But the boy cares not about cleanliness. I'm afeared. 

I just stopped working on this post to go scrub our bathrooms. It's the worst job of all house jobs. Curbs the appetite though, at least til the memory's gone. But in the process of the cleaning, I've re-hurt my back that was feeling so much better. I'm now forlorn and will be til I don't know when. 

Owen's newly carpeted room. 
We're going back to the dreaded Florida posts now....

My girls always have a plan for a little something extra when we are planning a trip to Florida. Most of the time they keep me out of the loop so as not to rain on their parade. I don't know why. 

Sidebar: Olivia just went into the bathroom. I find it terribly selfish of the people in my family who REFUSE to go the corner Shell station to use their facilities for at least two days after I scrub ours here. It's just rude. 

Anyway...I don't know why they don't tell me. It's not like I'm gonna stop them from their plans...EVEN IF I COULD! Last time we went to the beach they rented a kayak for the week. This time they rented a paddle board and a kayak. It was fun for all who participated as well as the "from the beach watchers." These people consist of those hoping for an epic fall or Carlie's now newly minted "walk off" the paddle board. OMG still so funny. 

So here we will begin again with photos of people trying to get up on the paddle board successfully. And while I do enjoy a good fall, I really really really was rooting for the person to make it....more than I was hoping they would fall. Really really. 

This is Emma attempting.
She's up...
Did not go down.
Cool pic.
Love the shadows. 
I like all these.
So I posted them all.
And I like all these as well.
Super cool...
Chillin by the seaside.
James was too.

Cleanliness is next to Godliness. 
He didn't hear me.
Another day another beautiful sunset. 
The late afternoon crew.

This is the day we ate burgers on the beach. 

Another view of the crew.
Jared was chewing therefore looks like his cheeks are storing acorns for the winter.  
S'more making!
More like waiting on s'more making.
Cause burgers are still blazing.
I like a mulit layered photo bomb. Maggie bombing Grandma and Owen. Whitney bombing Maggie bombing Grandma and Owen. Carrie bombing Whitney bombing Maggie bombing Grandma and Owen. The end. 
Keith and Becky were there as well.
Lydia was reading.
John was hoping for the big fish that never ever never ever came. 
And so ends day five at the beach. 

Are we done yet? 

Of course not. 

Off to work and then hoping to have a delicious supper and then more blogging....maybe. I'm very concerned about a delicious supper because we have no plans for one at this moment. 

That's always scary. 

It's not looking good.

Gone girl....


gnar car said...

i wanna goo backkkkkkk and i still laugh at my walk off too. i didn't even see it!! you're welcome.

Unknown said...

The further away we get from the trip the more I enjoy the posts. Does that mean anything??

Mollie_Walker said...

Lindsey, agreed. Because I just laughed all over again at Carlie.

Becky said...

Great memory to relive and relive!! We have a cute family!!