Wednesday, September 10, 2014

While at the beach it seems Carlie had a birthday.

The afternoon before Carlie's bday there was a brainstorming session where people quickly decided we would have an early (people can eat breakfast at 10:00 as well) partay and it was on like Donkey Kong. We all met in the Turner/Swander/Turner room for pancakes, sausage and eggs, and the celebration was epic and legendary. How can you not have a legendary partay with a square as well as a dolphin birthday ballon? 

That's right. You can't. 

Lets see what took place.  

William with the birthday girl.
Once more.
This picture of Caitlin is epic and she will be annoyed. 
What had happened was...I set my camera down and Olivia took advantage. So the next few make no sense...which is vintage Olivia picture taking. 
People checking the day from the balcony. 
Epic decos for the awesome par tay. 
A gift for Carlie. This impromptu party made me realize I don't know anyone's favorite candy. 
Olivia continued to snap away.
Good thing William looks cute in his jammies.
And away...
And away...
You see where this is going.
And I included them all.
Unsureness seems to be the order of the morning.
Lovely glass of orange juice with a Mollie in the background.
And again.
Some of the attendees.
And some others.
Whitney made pancakes and Lindsey did eggs and sausage.
I know these people.
Becky and William were on the trail of something. 
Got the camera again....BUT! That's Olivia! Gadzooks! Someone else was taking these pics. We may never know who.
James said no to the breakfast food. He has his own blend.
And then the party ended and we were off to the beach for another day.
In the grand scheme of life, my back is choosing to not be helpful. 

Because of that, I'm currently remaining forlorn. 

Sooooo forlorn!!!!

I decided to look up the definition of forlorn and it is...pitifully sad (that's me) and abandoned or lonely (not really me).

But I'm sticking with it anyway. 

For lorn

And I'm going to bed which is where my back will feel better. 



Unknown said...

My favorite candy is anything with chocolate! Also. I've been waiting for dayyys for new posts!! I'm soo happy you're back. Speaking of your back...hope yours feels better today. This comment better work.

Unknown said...

It worked, it worked!! You might have awakened a beast....

Unknown said...

Boom. My voice is now all over the internet! I might be drunk with power!!! Thanks for creating my account!

gnar car said...

hahahahahah whitney.

Mollie_Walker said...

My fav candy depends on the day. I've been on a really intense skittle kick lately. But I also love a gummy worm. And chocolate. Anything with chocolate. Always.

Unknown said...

Reese Cups! But I like candy. All of it.

Becky said...

Dove dark Easter eggs and a TWIX!! Won't turn down much! And Whitney....too funny.

Lisa said...
