Saturday, August 3, 2013

Random pics again

Finished all of Arrested Development. 

I need a new series of something to watch.

It's hot outside.

Nothing interesting happened today.

On to the next installment of random pics. 

Found this on my old hard drive. Not sure how long ago this was taken.
And this one. 
It was tulip time. 
Back in the day, Stephanie and Mollie. 
Bluebonnet time with Emma and Carlie. 
Dale and Jared on the road to somewhere.
Big Frank making snacks on that same road trip. 
He always made whatever he was eating look delicious. 
Not sure what he was preparing. 
But I believe it was delicious. 
I'm thinking this was a cold treat from the Dairy Queen. 
That's what I'm thinking. 
I know this is Tex. I think this is Bessie. 
Super cute wedding cookies. 
Cutie pie Ila again with her Gams. 
This is the door I want for my carport. 
Carrie sent these snow pics long ago. It seems to have a heavenly glow about it. 
Find the lovely snowflake in the picture. 
O.M.G. This was the coldest day when ULM played in the Independence Bowl. Awful game, miserable weather, terrible score. Pretty sure it was played in Alaska. 
Proportionately this ball is very much huger than William. 
He thinks so too. 
Much more manageable ball. 
Time for a snack break.
But if you don't open it....
He'll just eat the can.
Let's not forgot Maggie's pickle cafe.
And this awesome selfie. 
And this lovely pic of the plums.
I'll be back.....

And I'll be here....


gnar car said...

arrested development was the best, was it not? WAS IT NOT?!?!?!

Anonymous said...
