Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Our most recent home DIY projects

I have more random photos to post, but I thought I'd break it up a little with my home improvement. 

So for some time one of our bathrooms has been in much need of repair, and then last Thursday we got the motivation to put a quick fix on it. We needed a new floor, requiring the old one to be taken up, paint and a new mirror. Well John took the floor up, easier than not, then I was gonna paint Saturday evening and then John was back in to put the new floor down on Sunday. Easy peasy. Everything was moving along smoothly until a snag was hit with the paint. Since it's such a small bathroom, I'm talking tiny, I had the idea to use some left over paint I had from my bedroom. BUT. With the first stroke of the roller I knew I hated the color in there. BUT. I stupidly painted the whole thing even though I hated it. It's amazing how colors vary from room to room. Just because it looks good in the bedroom, doesn't mean it's gonna look good in the tiny bathroom. Well, after consulting with John and Olivia, who both agreed it was bad, Olivia and I were off to Home Depot to get another color. I'm usually terrible at picking a color of paint. I fret and stew and wonder and ponder. It's a real process. But this time I chose quickly, with Olivia's help, and was back home slamming the new, much better color on the walls. It was soooo much better. Trim paint was finished on Sunday and by the afternoon, John was putting the floor down. Somewhat easy peasy.

On Monday a plumbing snag was hit by John when trying to put all the stuff back together, and he ended up spending most of the day and evening getting it completed. Very much not easy peasy AT ALL. He may have even yelled AT the plumbing fixtures. I know cause I heard him. BUT. In the meantime, while he was mad at the old house plumbing, I got a wild hair to paint our other bathroom. So after picking a color really fast, I'm getting so good at it, Emma and I painted, and by shower time, had it all back to almost normal. And I'm happy with the results.  

There's a lot going on in this picture. New paint I hate. Then the green was from our recent living room re-do which was just another bad attempt at reusing paint I already had.
Can't tell you how bad this all was to begin with, BUT even though that paint looks pink or peach, it wasn't! I promise!
That color above the shower is more true than that last picture....but still bad.
That's the new color, that grayish, bluish, tractorish color. And I really like it.
Old light fixture, new paint. 
Fake marble floor until we can get something better. But it's not bad.
The finished product. For now. I really like how it looks compared to what it was. Because it was so bad I just couldn't post a pic of the pre. Just know it was bad. And I helped put that new light fixture up! It's not something I enjoyed AT ALL, but I did it. Sort of, with John walking me through it all.
And here's a picture of my wild hair. Both rooms need some finishing touches but for now, I'm happy AND glad it's over. 
This has been the summer of home improvement at our house, and so far nothing has been a disaster. There's one last room to paint, Owen's, and I don't know if we'll get it done or not, BUT. I'm not worried. One small issue is, four of the colors in my house are some shade of green. And while I'm OK with it, I feel as if we are living in a bowl of varied shades of granny smith apples. Just my personal opinion. And Owen expressed an interest in green for his room! SInce he's color blind I tried to trick him into a lovely shade of orange or yellow, but he was onto me really fast. Bummer. 

Since this is the last weekend before school starts, it's now or never (or til a weekend of our choice) to get his room painted. 

I'll keep you posted on what happens.

It's like a really really boring home improvement cliff hanger.

Later to get a tater peeps. 


Unknown said...

So loving a new post everyday! And love the tractor gray/blue!!!!

Anonymous said...

see home improvement is FUN