Friday, August 9, 2013

The swan song for now

Well peeps, this post brings to a close this series of random photos. Not sure what's coming next....

He started flirting at an early age.
Cutest little elephant...
He's thinking....
I'm a beast!
Somebody's coming.
Exploring the car on a Sunday afternoon. 
Let's all give Olivia a hand for this fantastic drawing. It's obvious she gets her talent from me. 
Birthday weekend at Iron Cactus/Tuscan Fig/Metal Helmet.
Cute pic.
Armed to the teeth. 
Many years ago.
Leaving on a jet plane.
Girls, guns and tude...
Sad pole swinging.
The bow plus the wisp of the straight up ponytail = fabulousness. 
Sassy selfie. 
Wonder is she coordinated his color for Christmas? 
A coke...
Plus sweets is gooood.
Two puckered up.
Cutie pie Maddie. 
Cutie pie Owen from back in the day. 
Cutie pie Ila from not so long ago. 
Such a good look for me.
Going to the chapel...
Long ago, in a tree not so far away....
Waiting at the chapel...
Waaay back in the day.
Maggie loves the Sox.
Orrrr Mom and Dad.
I took these next three a few years ago...
With no filters...
Or anything....
He paints a pretty picture...
Doesn't He?

That's a rap peeps. 

Or is it wrap? 

I think it's wrap. 

I'm going with wrap, but leaving the rap or no one would know what I'm talking about.

It's only 1:46 and I'm tired.

The pillow's gonna be all like, "What you doing here so early?"

I'm out like a bowl of ice cream in my hands....


Unknown said...

:( it's ova

Anonymous said...

It's our new web photo album and we all LOVE to go back and look at pics!!! nailed it!!

gnar car said...

happy birthday melanie and randy remains a classic.