Friday, August 31, 2012

Some group pics

There must always be a group picture. Always. And yet we've never done one at Christmas. What's that about? Well one afternoon there was a call for whoever was on the sand at that moment to be in the shot, and so Melanie set up the tripod and then had a brain fart about how to do the self timer on her camera. Because of this, she's not in the first one, and then she was caught running in the second one, and then made it in the money shot. There must always be a money shot. Always. But as I've stated many times, MY money shots are the goof ups. It's the ones I live for. And after being in this family for centuries, I'm never disappointed.

After all, it's the best medicine. I just made that up! Pretty sure it's an original me.

We're all reacting because the camera just went off while she was fiddling with it.

Close up please. Smiles, pursed lips, mouths open. Yep, multi of each.

More of the same at this end.

I told you the second one caught her running.

I look confused, all others bemused.

Carlie's directing and William could care less where he even is.

Finally the money shot. And there's nothing funny about it.



Becky said...

Golden - love it!!! Sorry Liz was not in these - was she shopping?

gnar car said...

omg, lisa. your face!!!! ahahhahahahha

these are the best pics!