Friday, August 31, 2012

William's humble Olympic beginnings

One afternoon William insisted on being taken to the pool. So off he went with the "rents" and Whitney to splash about for a bit. Take a look.

He looked a bit unsure of his decision.

Cute pic of the fam.

Dad's taking good care.

Practicing his backstroke.

Cause some peeps in the fam are planning on him being an Olympic swimmer.

So it's never too early to start.

He'd just about done enough laps for the day.

But then decided to go one more.

His reward was snuggling with Mom.

He looks like he had a good workout.

Gotta have the plug.

Maybe Olympic tryouts can wait a few years.

This ends William's pool adventure.


Unknown said...

Kit kat and car car don't have mom support on his Olympic venture!!!!

gnar car said...

it's okay, lin. OUR SUPPORT IS ENOUGH!!!!

but don't you want to be in the 'thank you, mom' commercials that always makes us cry?????