Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Big floppy hat 15 - Whitney 0

Billie June gave all the girls sarongs for Christmas, about forever ago. Pretty sure none of them have been worn since the gifting. Well, after a couple of people forgot theirs (ahem, Whitney and Mollie) and had to have them mailed to them in Florida, of course there was a photo shoot of everyone in the sarongs. But you won't find those pics in this post. Instead, these are of an impromptu shoot that occurred after the forgetful Walker sisters sarongs arrived. Arrived that is via 45 phone calls, 8 different carriers, a long ride to Ft. Walton and a partridge in a pear tree. OK, that last one isn't true. But I didn't have another "thing" to add there and I felt it needed 4 and not 3. But back to these pics. I was just gonna take a photo of Whitney and Mollie by the seaside (I'm loving the word seaside ever since I saw the BBC version Of Emma. If you haven't watched it, you totally should.) Anyway, each girl wore a hat for the photo. One hat cooperated. One did not. See for yourself. After 15 photos, and I'm not kidding...count em yourself, I bet you can figure out, which one was the stinker. If not for the humor factor, I'd have called this a disaster. But instead it cracks me up. And isn't that what life should be about? Making me chuckle.

Saucer hats to the right please.

What's the definition of crazy? Taking the same photo over and over and expecting a different result.

It went downhill from here.

If I didn't know better, I'd say Mollie called for the wind.

I mean really Mollie.

This just makes me laugh, cause as Mollie's doing a Dasani commercial, Whitney's hat is kicking the crap out of her.

She's decided to, "THROW IT AWAY!!"

You'd think she'd have set it aside....

But no, she decided to sock it down as tight as possible and try again.

What happened is, Mollie took the opportunity to totally block her out. But even so you can still see Whitney fighting the hat.

Sideways pirate please.

Now lets do a huge cowboy hat impersonation.

And once more.

OK, let's change directions. This was my idea.

But it just wasn't gonna happen.

And there you have the ornery hat photo shoot. It got the best of Whitney, but really worked out well for Mollie.

The end.

I think at 2:53 on a school night. It's past someone's bedtime.

Later lucky charms.


gnar car said...

mollie is ridiculous.

Unknown said...

Carlie really?! Mollie is where you went?? The hat on Whitney made me laugh until I cried!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

See you kept taking photos and I would walked away and then we would not have had a WONDERFUL laugh at whitney's expense!! Me too laughed til I cried!!!!!

gnar car said...

hahahahhaha yes! her cheesing for the cam is just out of control!

Mollie_Walker said...

This is FANTASTIC!!!! I like SO fabulous next to that goofball!

Denise said...

A Dasani commercial! hahahahahahaha