Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Day 4 at the beach

So on day 4 stuff happened. I don't even know what. Let's scroll down together and see. OK?

Jared praised the Lord.

Caitlin took the cutest picture ever! Without attitude. I don't know how this happened.

Olivia's hat took on more personality.

Carlie was still engrossed in her book.

Maggie looked out over the ocean in her cool hat. I'm loving this picture by the way.

Gams and Ila were still hanging out.

Austin smiled at something.

Liz watched Ila play with beach toys.

Jim gave the beach another try.

Owen winked at the camera due to bright sun.

Maggie and Carlie posed for another picture with a depth of field I'm loving.

This well placed hand made it look as if it was coming for Dale.

And on this side another well placed hand looked as if it just lifted his wallet.

And Lindsey got cheeky.

And Mollie stayed hammy.

And the girls smiled for the camera again.

And Jared got a little cray cray with Olivia's hat.

And we stood by the seaside for a family picture.

And another.

And then we broke it down for the late afternoon.

And then Melanie took a picture of me taking a picture of her....and other people.

And Dale and Mollie took this somewhat awkwardly staged photo with William.

And Ila stayed cute in her dress.

And people sat.

And Emma's hair got ringlets.

That I love.

And more people sat.

And Lauren stayed neutral as Austin got political.

And my peeps took a photo with the Gmaw.

And Dale cooked hamburgers on the beach.

And Olivia got uncomfortably hugged by Mollie.

And Mollie was ready for a s'more emergency.

And then the Walkers stood for a family photo by the seaside.

And s'more making commenced.

And Austin flexed.

And Olivia held William as he slept peacefully.

And there you have day 4 in a nutshell and I don't know how many times I used the word and. But I'm loving this post anyway.

Since I finished the post about the hurricane and now this one, still no storm has arrived. I'd LOVE it if all the bad stuff passed us by!

This one's in the bag too.

Later dudies.


gnar car said...

I love these posts and I hate these posts. They make me miss the beaccccchhhhh!!!! Also I miss being able to finish a book in three hours.

Anonymous said...

Me too makes me want to be back at the beach tooooooo much! but don't stop posting em!!!!!!!