Friday, July 2, 2010

My failed photo op

This picture taking session failed miserably. The placement of people is wrong. The tall in the back made taller by standing on something tall. Whitney seems to have a sinking problem which has caused concern among the others except for Jared......go figure. He may actually be the one pushing her into the hole. Slade looks like he got cold cocked by Brooke's elbow. Carlie's checking her fingers to make sure they're all there. Mollie looks like she's having a mug shot taken. Nina's the only one posing happily in her patriotic outfit. It's a hot mess.

Slade's recovered from his injury. Emma's taken up residence with Whitney. Maggie's gone from Lindsey to Carmen. Olivia's being coaxed not to bail. Caitlin's being just that.....Caitlin. And the rest? There's an air of let's just get this over with permeating the crowd.

People cut off on the right. Caitlin doing lunges.

People cut off on the left. Caitlin doing a va va voom thing. Emma's now turned and bossing the older people as evidenced by hands on hips.

Bunny ears are popping up everywhere. Caitlin's singing a hallelujah song.

Caitlin's now performing the Heimlich on Olivia. This is as good as it got and that ain't great. But in spite of the really bad photography, as I've said before, these kinds of photos are my favorite. But, still a hot mess.


Unknown said...

And Jared is holding a Teddy bear....???

Lisa said...

And I thought I had covered all the weirdness.

gnar car said...

i lovvveeeeddd this tree. very sad when it went down.

also i'm just wearing a bathing suit just cause.

it's just strange.