Thursday, July 1, 2010

A hodgepodge of July 4th

That's Bessie and Billie and then Frank on crutches (someone remind me about the crutches) and Dad holding Meredith. Why couldn't I have inherited Big Frank's skinny legs? That's so unfair.

Another evening in the yard with Bessie, Mollie, Nina, Randy, wearing some very short shorts, and Truly.

Howard on a hayride.

Mollie in the pink gingham dress....sigh

Truly Etheredge showing off his Flintstones boxers and his hot bod. I think that's Frank and Suzie's navy suburban that got stolen at Six Flags. Whether it is or not, that really did happen. Who the heck goes to Six Flags and gets their car stolen out of the parking lot? Ummmm.....that would be the Walkers from Shreveport. It's gotta suck large.

A close up of Truly and even though it's July, he's ready for winter with that already HUGE stack of wood in the background. The man loved a fire. The man really loved a hot fire. I remember coming for a visit one time and rounding the corner to find Bessie sitting in her chair using a magazine to shield her face from the ridiculously hot fire and ticked at Gran for making the room unbearable. But the magazine shield made me laugh EVERY SINGLE TIME. That's where the term face peeler originated. And the story really is true that Frank got so hot one night in the 2 foot square den in Corsicana that he actually went outside and watched TV through the window so as not to melt into one human puddle. But Dale was the culprit of that fire. I have been known to literally pull wood out of the fire that he sadistically was trying to stoke to tick me off. That's a true story as well.

I don't have one recollection of Gran ever having a cow with horns but this picture proves me wrong. It's still quite shocking. That may actually be the bull named Truly Victor. He was one scary cow. He trapped me in a chicken pen one time. I'm not sure if he actually trapped me or I was just a skittish little twit but I found myself inside the pen yelling to Gran for help.

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