Saturday, July 17, 2010

A back road gold mine

This back road is near Corbett after you pass the lonesome soldier on the post oaks. These cars are sitting in a pasture along the same road the black and white paint horse lives on. This place is like a gold mine of great stuff. On this one road we've seen a turkey, the paint horse, a longhorn cow and it's also where we found the turtle that had a photo op with Austin.

I wanted to go knock on the door and ask the people about the cars but forgot about it. There are even older cars under a shed but we couldn't get any good pictures of those. Since Olivia has a soft spot for old cars, this could be a dream come true for her if only we knew a really really good car restorer that could fix one or all of them for her. I think the antique picker guys on TV would love to find this pasture full of cars. It's a gold mine of old rusty crap that could be something beautiful with time, effort and of course lots of money. We'll continue to visit them on our trips and maybe sooner than later find out more about them.

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