Thursday, August 14, 2014

School and Florida action shots

First day back at school's in the books. The best way to describe it was semi-controlled chaos. There were new kids, old kids, clueless kids, nomad kids and happy to see each other kids. The one thing about children that amuses me more than almost anything is that little 3 year olds who have never seen me in their lives, wave enthusiastically at me or hug me as if I'm someone they've know all their lives. It's a great example of the trusting purity of small children. I find it endearing and frightening at the same time. 

So the year begins and as I thought about it ain't rocket science...but it's not for the faint of heart either. BUT a MAJOR development occurred while there today. During the time I've been there I've had three boys manage to find a very solid place in my heart. Well, one has graduated and moved on to high school, one has left the school for another, and the last one...last year he wouldn't talk to me at all. It was a sad twist of fate. He had turned the terrible age of 13 and decided he was too cool for interaction. I tried several tactics with none proving fruitful, so I left him to himself. It really is so difficult becoming and remaining a teenager. Well today he walked right up to me, said hello, and we talked and talked. It seems he's found his voice again, albeit a much deeper one. I was glad to hear it. 

It was a good first day. 

Now lets get back to Florida....if only... 

The other night I enlisted Olivia's help in eliminating some photos and we saw this sequence of water action shots and she suggested I do a post of just these so they wouldn't get lost in the bigger mix. I did some cropping to get close ups of the action and here they are. BUT. As I was editing these, I noticed Whitney kept being there. Seemingly...just as the three year olds today...wandering aimlessly...but she through the ocean. 

She's here...she's there... 

See for yourself. 
A group of people headed out for a go at the waves. Where's Whitney?
There she is and she seems to be interested in joining the girls going out to boogie...board that is...
Maggie took one on the chin.
There's Whitney again...wandering.
Maybe in mid fall here. I can only hope...
Nope, but she's still in it to win it. That wave just kicked the crap out of Olivia's face.
Moving water out of the way.
Now contemplating the properties of water.
Now behind the water splashes near Bill and William. 
Now she's off in the other direction.
Maggie's in the thick of it and Whitney's just a strolling in the ocean. 
Wave, meet Maggie's face. 
That's Whitney's hand on the right. 
It's like Where's Waldo. 
Olivia's living large in the surf. Whitney seems befuddled.
Major face action going on for Olivia and Whitney's looking for the exit. 
One more face shot of Olivia. 
Go towards the shorrrreeee...
Water in the air is cool looking. 
I think she heard me. 
I'm guessing.... hide and go seek? 
Nope going the other way now.
Now she's impersonating a hanger. 

That was painfully hard to do and I feel it wasn't my best smart alecky work. 

But I'm cranking out posts like a beastly beast. 

That's not what I typed first, but I'm trying to keep it family friendly. 

I shall be done. 

It's 2:00 A.M. 

Do you know where the beach is?

I may be delirious from hitting my head when I fainted because Emma left a comment on my blog. Now THAT'S good smart alecky work! 


OK, I'm done.


Unknown said...

Hahahaha Whitney! Hilarious!

Unknown said...

Oh and so glad he talked to you!

Emma said...

Faint again, Babe, cuz I've got another! Hilarious.

I wasn't in on the action because those waves decided to make a scandal out of my bathing suit top! Had to be very careful or I was going to flash the whole beach!

Mollie_Walker said...

Not gonna lie - would laugh really hard if Emma's scandle was caught on camera.
Looohhhooovving the posting!!!

gnar car said...

impersonating a hanger...bahahaha

CAW said...

hahaha I missed all that but got to see it on film!!

Becky said...

all the water shots are them. and the comments, as usual, are epic!! great job