Friday, August 22, 2014

Melanie's beach photos Day 3

Well, after uploading more of my photos of our trip, I've decided there are no more pictures of Florida to take because I've officially taken them all. And I'm not even kidding. And that might be something to brag about if they were all good, but I have so many bad pictures of multi things. For many long distance photos do I need of people attempting to stand on the paddle board? Apparently one million. And you can barely tell who is on the board. BUT. Even so I just kept snapping away. I guess it's possible I kept snapping hoping for an epic fall, but sadly there were none. THE BEST "fall/walk" off the paddle board will forever in the history of the world be Carlie's. If only I'd had a video of it. However it will always be in my head to remember. Like for instance when I awoke this morning, for some reason it came to my mind and before I even opened my eyes, I giggled. And once again I'm not even kidding. Well done Carlie.  

Lets get to it...
While at the beach Owen made friends with volleyball people and played every day.
These next pictures are of William who, with the help of his father, was in the middle of some daredevil skills. 
Going up...
And what goes up....
Is gonna come down...
William's living large in the surf here.
But a wave caused him to take a tumble. Lets see if he cares...
Yep....he cares...
Lets see how long it's gonna take to get over it....
It would seem a little longer...
But life got good again....
None the worse for wear...
It just wasn't his afternoon...
Uncle A.T. saved him from his chair. And that's William's story for the afternoon.
This picture is amusing.
This is like a horror movie. What is that on Carlie's arm? That would be a grasshopper. In all the trips we've made to the beach we've never encountered grasshoppers! They were in Biblical proportions that day! OK, that may be an exaggeration, but there were lots on the sand and in the water and it was awful.
Once again amusing. 
William looks as if he's recovered from his struggles.
Cute pic of Emma. 
Carrie and the Willster.
Once out of the water, it was so cold.
So William had to snuggle to stay warm.
It's a tough job but someone's got to do it.
Austin's happy to be there. Aaron seems to be reflecting on life.
Maggie went strolling by. 
Another cute picture of William. 
And the last one of William. In this post of course. 
We're moving right along with the 2014 beach trip, but there are so many more posts to do! 

But on to something else for a minute.  

Twenty six years ago today I was holding a baby girl in my arms and 26 birthdays later, that little girl is a lovely, talented young woman. I can't believe how fast it went. I know I say that all the time. And I know I say it feels like it was just yesterday we came home from the hospital with our firstborn. But it went so fast. 

It feels like last week when we took her to the beach for the first time. 

That memory is always in my heart...


Anonymous said...

At least our pics are digital now!! I want to go paddle board some more!!! It all goes soooooo fast!!!

gnar car said...

hahaha i'm so glad i could entertain all you peeps. so funny. love the pics of caitlin!

CAW said...

Yep can still see Carlie walking the plank....haha!!! I wouldn't have looked near as graceful falling or walking had I all the pics. Time flies when you are havin fun!!

Becky said...

The Willster is so stinking Caitlin is toooooo! I remember like it was yesterday - yep seems like it WAS yesterday! Beautiful woman today.