Thursday, March 18, 2010

New Orleans wedding weekend

Well our New Orleans weekend was a hit from start to finish. We had beignets twice, we took pictures in the French Quarter, we walked thousands of miles, I nearly had my eyes put out when I looked the wrong direction while on Bourbon Street and we saw silver people, which causes many questions in my mind every time I see them. I mean what made them decide this was gonna be their shtick? I need real answers.

There were too many people in New Orleans for my taste but we definitely had a blast. Caleb and Katy did in fact get married as planned and the wedding was so fun. They had a fantastic band and those of us that don't dance, enjoyed watching the ones that do. And to quote Bill, "There is nothing better than a confident bad dancer." And he's so correct. There were some bad dancers and some conservative dancers and some drunk dancers and some cool dancers and we enjoyed every single one of them. We stayed til the absolute end and then went home and tucked ourselves in bed.

Sunday my girls and I walked around the French Quarter and took pictures and ate breakfast at Antoine's Annex which was completely enchanting. There was a violin and guitar player just down the street and we could hear the music playing while we were eating. It was all very delightful. John, Owen, Austin and Lauren went to the aquarium and had a fabulous time as well. We ate lunch just off Jackson Square and then it was time to head back home. We were all exhausted because we did after all walk millions of miles but it was all worth it. I love to go to New Orleans but I love to leave. Not sure when I'll be back there but it's always fun to go see the sights and take photos of the architecture. I'm so glad we decided to go.

I swiped some of Lindsey's pictures to document the peeps and the fun.

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