Monday, March 1, 2010

The too short pants

I have 3 pair of sweat pants that have very nearly saved my life this winter. The winter that has caused me to think at times someone picked up Louisiana and switched it with Alaska. Well, these sweat pants that are all warm and cozy are swimming above the tops of my tennis shoes due to being accidentally put in the dryer one too many times! SO.....I have a scathingly brilliant idea. I have had family members help me do the 2 person pull when the pants are wet or dry but so far to no avail.....SO I think it would totally work if I attached the said pants between 2 cars and pull them like taffy overnight. They are the sweat pants that could have been hall of famers that lasted a lifetime. I either have to shrink about 3 inches very quickly........or

1 comment:

Unknown said...

please let me know when the car pulling activity happens. i would like to be present.