Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Another day another what?

Well I'm happy to report that Owen and I survived his public school experience. All went well and I didn't have to thump one kid. He said everyone was nice and he liked the teacher that was giving the test. I think he really enjoyed it. He'll go back in a few weeks for 5 days and then he'll be finished. I can't believe this school year is coming to an end. It really was August just a few weeks ago wasn't it?

On another front, some days I'm living in a freak show. Caitlin came home this afternoon after having been in the library for several hours and sang loudly for several more hours. She stated that she had to be quiet for so long she had to "get it all out of her system." I told myself I would remember the songs but I lied to myself. I remember none. But they were very odd ones like maybe a country and western song? I know for a fact that girl does not listen to country music.....anyway it was a very loud afternoon.

Then tonight after Olivia finished showering, she announced there was "some water" on the floor....TUH HUH!! There were actual clothes floating out the door. And so the clog that's been in the shower drain for weeks, the same one I asked my husband to tend to for weeks, finally reared it's ugly head. So after a trip to Wal Mart to buy clog busting stuff and John announcing no one could go to the bathroom, we sit and wait to see if it will unclog or if we'll we have to call a plumber. It was all I could do to keep my wits about me and not give him the thumping that I was prepared to give the punk kid that never showed up earlier in the day.

So now we wait.

The second John put a moratorium on bathroom visits, Caitlin said she had to go. The power of the, "No you can't," kicks in ridiculously fast. It's like a big mystery now. Will the clog go or will it have to be bombed out by the plumber man? Come on God. Save me the plumber dollars please and amen.

I'll update tomorrow on whether the plumber was called and did I or did I not eventually just HAVE TO thump John. We shall see.

1 comment:

gnar car said...

i hope all is well but it's true with the whole 'you can't' and then suddenly you have to. just like no laughing in church. opposite result everytime.