Monday, March 22, 2010

Another weekend

Well it's another end to another weekend with another group coming home from New Orleans. That almost NEVER happens. In a matter of one week, all but 2 from the family traveled there and back. It's enough to alert the media. There was no wedding this weekend but there was lots of basketball watched, some turtle soup eaten, more walking, sounds like MANY deserts eaten and to stop my wondering mind, silver people still doing their thing. Apparently a gold person was out and about as well.....still fascinating.

So, the group going this time was Keith, Becky, Randy, Melanie, Carlie, Maggie, Caitlin and Olivia. Six of them watched 6 basketball games in 2 days and deemed it worth every minute and every dollar. I don't have any pictures yet but I'll be getting some from Melanie and Carlie soon I hope. And much thanks to the aunts and uncles for the love, care and feeding of my 2 kids over the last few days. It's greatly appreciated and they had a fantastic time with lots of fun memories made.

Whilst they were out of town, more Glee was watched by Mollie, Emma and I. Also Lindsey, Whitney, Emma and I went to Old Navy together and Whitney and I were the judges of the clothes that Lin and Emma tried on. They mostly got the stuff we liked. But Lindsey DEFINITELY should have gotten the black hoochie mama dress with the know which one.....the one you did the little dance in? But whatever.

On another note, I did the computer this morning at church for CARLIE AGAIN and she didn't even bring me a present. Blech! Anyway, yesterday Dale called me to see if I was actually doing the computer and when I told him I was he started trash talking IMMEDIATELY...stuff like you better this and you better that and blah blah blah so I told him I WILL be ready for you tomorrow morning and he didn't believe me but oh boy was I ever. I got there in plenty of time to make his power point for him. RIDICULOUS! And then I decided to make one extra slide just in case I might need it and indeed I did. It seems he gets extremely impatient when a scripture doesn't pop up quite fast enough, so once again he started his trash talking in front of the whole church and it was then that I hit my special slide that I had at the ready which said, DO NOT ANNOY ME!! People laughed and he didn't try bossing me anymore! I have to admit I was a little nervous but it was totally worth it. Lord if you would go ahead and forgive me for that it would be greatly appreciated.

And the most bizarre thing of the weekend was the snow that fell off and on all morning and some of the afternoon. WHAT? UMMM NO. Go away snow go away. We'll wish and pray for you next winter but not a moment before. But even still as I sit here it's fricking freezing outside and that's just not good. We need sunshine and warm weather so as not to really really tick me off.

And now I'll end this post with a special prayer for Whitney and her friends for their test tomorrow. Lord give them wisdom and retention and peace and plenty of pencil lead or ink for their 4 hour test. Give them good night's sleeps and restful, peaceful dreams and excellent grades. Remind them that this will pass before they know it and in just a few short years it will all just be MOSTLY fond memories of times spent with people they will remember all their lives. Remind them that it really will all be OK. And keep them from screwing it up.
In Jesus name amen.


Unknown said...

Wonderful post. The black dress enhanced that certain know.

gnar car said...

hahahahhaha, i'm sorry! but hey i didn't even get something for myself! i didn't shop at alllll.

stil love what you did to dale! you have more guts than me.

i have some pics, not a lot.