Friday, July 8, 2011

This happened today

Today Caitlin got her first big girl job. We're very excited for her and now the next phase of her life officially begins. What's next? She becomes a working girl. It's gonna be good.

Today I got a one up on a 4 year old and it felt sooooo good! A mom came to pick her two boys up and as she was trying to gather lots of stuff to take to the car, I asked the 4 year old to carry two things and he walked away from me shaking his head no. Made my blood boil.

BUT, sticky situation, his mother was nearby so what to do? Let him get away with telling me no? Uh uh no way never. So, I walked over to him and out of his mother's ear shot. He'd been nursing a kid's meal toy all afternoon that was now precious to him and I said quietly, "You take these two things to the car for your mother OR I'm taking your toy."


Me - 1
4 year old - 0

I felt so happy.

15 more days.