Thursday, July 7, 2011

This is today

I'm not in the blogging mood AT ALL.

I'm not working on my attitude for even a millisecond. That's not good.

The only bright spot for my mood is Modern Family which is the funniest TV show I've seen in years.

The scariest movie that could ever be made would involve 3 years olds using paint and glitter. I've now lived it in real life multi times and it's terrifying!

Three year olds can and do get paint in the following places: hair, clothes (which makes me have to hide from parents), chins, necks, backs of feet (don't even), near eyes....on the way to their hair, on YOUR arms. It makes no sense to "make a dangerous memory" that's gonna end up in the trash and maybe my clothes as well.

If anyone ever tells you to do an art project that involves paint and 3 year olds, your quick response should be, "NO FREAKIN WAY!!!" Kick em in the shin, then RUN for your life.

16 more choruses of Kumbaya then never never never never never ever never ever never.........

In order to get an attitude adjustment you have to want one.

I don't

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