Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A riveting update on my life

I survived the two 8 to 5 days with the kiddies. It's not something I'd want to do daily, BUT it's much easier when it's 2 adults against 9 munchkins rather than 2 against 18. They don't seem to be as organized in fewer numbers.

I got a job working 3 to 5:30 five days a week. It's like my dream. Now if I could just figure out how to get paid $100,000 for 2 1/2 hours of work, I'd be like my own little heaven

If I don't count today....and I'm not gonna......I have 3 days left of my summer job. I went from 39 days down to 3. How did this happen?

The weekend was MUCH fun watching big and little girls play with Barbies. Big girls used little girls as excuses to legitimately play with dolls. It was suggested to Carlie, who had just finished dressing her Barbie in what she deemed, "totally fashion forward for today" to take Barbie to work with her since her outfit was "bank worthy." Wouldn't be awkward at all to see a 24 year old show up to work with "Bank Barbie" ready for work.

I now sing the song "Don't You Want Me Baby" randomly in my head. Maddie single handedly erased the lullaby tunes....including Kumbaya.....out of my head for a few days. I am VERY grateful. Last week as I was humming a tune at home Owen said to me, "What are those weird songs you are always humming or whistling?" It's the goofy lullabys man!!!! They are making me crazy!!!

Follow That Bird is one of the greatest movies ever made.

Wednesday or Thursday I'll start "babysitting" a cat for a friend over the weekend. OMG.

And now it's time for me to go to work. The finish line is in sight, and I think I might just make it.

1 comment:

gnar car said...

omg i have don't you want me baby stuck in my head too!!!!

and i do dress my barbies very fashion forward. i like to take risks....on plastic dolls. not on me.