Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Silliness always ensues

There are yayhoos in our family that always see a camera as an opportunity to act out. Age matters not in this activity with Dale usually leading the charge and others adding to the mix are Lindsey, Carlie and Emma. As with any event, I love posed picture and I would be so sad if I didn't get a good shot of my subjects but....I love the silliness as well. Maybe even just a bit more than the posed shots. I don't know why. It's just me. So in regular silly fashion, I've picked the pictures that whether on purpose or not, grabbed my attention as being worthy of a goofy picture post. Take a look and see.

Even though you are frozen in photos, Randy looks frozen.

Maggie looking fierce and this is just about the only photo John was in all day.

Carlie wins the most numerous goofy pics for this day. And in the background, Lauren's about to do the pretzel climb through the railing as the rest of us did. Caitlin and John refused to participate in this event.

See? What did I just say about Carlie and Lauren's still threading the needle. I'm very sad the rest of Lauren's progress wasn't caught on film.

Whitney's now giving it her best goofy look.

This camera was poised on Lindsey in the expectation she would do something very ungraceful, keeping my fingers crossed!

Still hoping.....

Alas, it did not happen.

Dale photo bombed the grads.

Clearly Mollies's undressing.

John refused to lower himself to the lower deck. People are milling.

People still milling.

Dale still photo bombing.

Carlie decided to join the photo bomb craze.

He's still at it.


Dale and Carlie have taken over.

Carlie shunned Mollie.

Mollie feigns outrage.

We have many goofy people in our family. This is just some of them.

Carlie was going for the record.

Still being goofy.

I'm running out of commentary.

Carlie's still in the lead.

Owen looks like a giant.

In the background Lindsey's working it
Emma's working it.
And Bill's trying to figure out, "How did I get into this crazy family?"

Carlie, you have no shame.

Lindsey and Emma were amused by Carlie's continued photo bombing.

There will always be photo bombing in the family as long as we have people and cameras.

At least I hope so.

The end.

1 comment:

gnar car said...

i didn't even set out to be the goof, it just happened so naturally!!!!