Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas 1982

Christmas 1982 found us celebrating with 2 news babies, Lindsey and Jared. The years were bringing fun and exciting changes to our family and it was always a joyous occasion when a new baby was born. Christmas was such a big deal at our house but the new family members just made it better and better.

I love these far off shots of the den back in the day. Billie loved baskets and they were everywhere. Dale and Lydia are arriving with the baby chunk Jared.

Meredith's trying to get Lindsey to cooperate with taking a bottle. Lindsey looks a little stressed.

Cousin bonding time.

This photo is very interesting. Is it possible Brooke's trying to hide behind the clown gift hoping it will just go away? Meredith's face however tells the whole story. "Really people? Is this the best you could do?" Twenty eight years later I'm asking myself that question this very minute since I'm pretty sure Carrie or I or both of us bought these. It's a legitimate question. I think these clowns fall into the category seemed like a good idea at the time. But there are no do overs as Santa. You get one shot each year. In my opinion, These were an epic fail.

Jared cruising in his walker.

Grandma and Becky just came in off the prairie. Big Frank's hanging with the J. Also the busy navy couches have been replaced by busy red couches.

Notice Lydia's almost always sitting on the floor in pictures. She must not have been very good at musical chairs.

Jared's made very little forward progress in his walker since he's still in the same spot only facing the other way. Carpet's a show stopper for children motoring in walkers.

Look he's now made a u turn and found a huge hat with his initials on it. I'm going to call that color Duke blue and just leave the arguing to the Duke/UNC fans in the fam.

Christmas morning 1982 in the den in our jammies before the ripping....a must for Christmas morning pics.

All eyes are on the wee babe. But look at that stylish red lamp providing a splash of color to the den and also the white oil lampy looking one between Becky and me. This had to be our prairie wardrobe and decorating days.

Lindsey's properly attired with a granny hat for her first Christmas morning. Melanie's in her prairie jammies and Randy seems to be enjoying the last of his breakfast he just found over on the side.

Since Melanie and Randy were living in Alexandria in 1982, Lindsey's first Christmas was at Big Frank and Grandma's. Lets' see what she got...looks like a pony and a See and Say. Must haves for the toddler on the go.

And look what Carrie got for Christmas. A bear made out of old quilts. She looks very happy but for some reason, this just confirms to me that she and I bought the clowns for M and B. Preeetttyyyy sure.

Big Frank reading the box to see what's in it instead of ripping it open! I think this was a stereo we all pitched in and got for him. His was VERY excited about it.

I'd say Christmas 1982 was a successful venture.


Emma said...

First of all, I'm LOVING the new background!The red berries on the white snow is lovely!
Also, the picture of Randy looks so much like Austin it's crazy.

Unknown said...

SOOOOOOOOOO much like Austin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was a star....The good ole days...

Anonymous said...

Love the background too I always wanted my boy child to look just like his father and I think God heard me

gnar car said...

and to think your life was so...lifeLESS without me in it.

ALSO Mom, those glasses...come on.

and that pic of lindsey looking at the camera...she STILL MAKES TODAY!

it's crazy.

gnar car said...

oh and jared soon learned the error of his ways with the duke blue hat.

gnar car said...

also you better hurry up, it's almost christmas and i've yet to appear.

John said...

That pre-dates me:(