Saturday, October 13, 2012

Bringing home Labor Day

Sing hallelujah like the song says! The last post of Labor Day!!! I'm so thrilled I just can't express it in words. It's been like forever since these began. One of the last group things to do was hayride! I shouldn't have used an exclaim here because I'm pretty over hayrides.



It's over.

We're on our way.
Country road.
Some of the assembled riders.
And some others.
Who are these yahoos?
Cute pic.
Owen's here.
Owen's not. And Mollie has spied something frightening.
Cute pic of the girls which includes a successful photo bomb by Owen and Mollie mugging in the background.
Carlie has a dream.
Or maybe a nightmare.
Maybe a bug Olivia?
Jared's dreaming of not being on a hayride. Oh, wait, that would be my dream.
I'm sorry but I had to post this picture. Becky's face just cracks me up. Refer to the previous post if you think it unfair!
Now this is cute.
Illegal motion in the backfield. I've been to too many football games this year. I just found out I've only been to one. What?!?! I thought it was at least 8!!
Caitlin sneaking a peek.
Still riding.
Otis went too.
The closed eye game is always played in some amount of photos.
Primo pic here.
Cute pic of Mag and Maya.
Cute group.
Last one, and I have Elvis hair!!!!!
Queen Maya, upon her throne, deemed the day over.
And now it's in the can. Only 8 million posts and 300 years later. Not exaggerating at all! It was fun. It was hot. It was over!

I'm off to a football game in a few hours.

I'm so footballed out!

But Go Warhawks!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww but it was soooo good!! great job!!!!! and thank you for all the hard work to bring out life to life hahahaaha