Friday, October 26, 2012

Let's do this

As Carlie stated in a comment left on my last post, I forgot to mention that at the viewing party for the ULM game, I snuck out. I did so because the game was just too scary. And so I stealthily grabbed my purse and keys and quietly exited before anyone noticed. BUT when I got home, John was watching none other than the ULM game! So, I got my supper and went to my room to wait it out. But when I finished eating, the game was still on, so then I went to take a shower. I was really running out of stuff to occupy my time. And it was there that John told me ULM had won in overtime. Whew! I was exhausted from not watching. So later, he and I watched the end of the game online, and when it was over, he asked if not watching had been the right decision. And my answer was an emphatic yes, cause I'd have fainted for sure. I just can't take the scary games.  

Moving on....

In case you forgot since the last post, I found some pictures on my old phone, and I'm gonna be posting some. The reason I chose these to be first is because today was hot. Tomorrow is supposed to be cold. In order to celebrate the possible need for sock hats and warm woolen mittens, here we go.  

It seems apparent that Caitlin and Olivia had a photo session using my phone and their sock hats hand knitted by their grandmother in Pennsylvania.
This is as wacky as Olivia gets. She's actually waaay out there.
And this is Caitlin owning it.
On all levels.
Then Olivia got crazy.
So Caitlin had to punch it up a notch.
We have so many of these hats I just can't tell you.
And by mid winter Olivia will be seen wearing many in the house often.
And this is Owen at his craziest. Seriously.
See what my peeps do with time on their hands and a camera phone? It gets all crazy up in the house. 

I feel I can't top last night's drop it like it's hot. In fact, it's put a lot pf pressure on me to one up myself. Don't think it can be done tonight. And I don't think I can commit to exploring the world of rap to look for more material. I just don't see that happening. 

Party on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

looks like caitlin has to be feeling the camera and then she will perform for it. and what are her fingers doing in the pic that she's owning? :0