Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Our Corsicana trip in the quick version

I love Instagram. Probably more than I love blogging at the moment. Which is why I document more of the weird, wild and wacky there more than here. So, if you've seen these pictures before, get over it.

Two things. I love love love Corsicana in October. It's got a little nip in the air and it's outside fire worthy. If I get to go in the month of October, it's usually my last trip of the year, since I'm not about the winter if I can't be outside there. Anyway, I took very few pictures this time, but since I have my new trusty phone, I documented the trip with it more than my big camera. It's just how I roll.

The second thing. I got a weird comment from a stranger today on this post, which caused me to come back and look at it again. Which then caused me to check for typos, which then cause me to notice something no one else, or myself noticed in one of the last pictures. I HAVE ELVIS HAIR!! Straight up Elvis hair. And because I think all people are asleep right now, I can't even text anyone to go look at it! But don't doubt me. Go look....and laugh out loud. Cause I did.

Meanwhile....my Corsicana phone pics.

Party on.

We ALWAYS stop at a place in Waskom and the girls get white cherry ICEES, and John buys weird chips. It's the capital of weird chips. This was his find this time.
Addy has more closed eye shots than any dog I've ever known. Someday I'm gonna do a post about it.
Made a late night Wal Mart run and found tacky colored Christmas trees.....that I happen to LOVE!!
Santa in the RV. How do you spell redneck?
They stole this idea from Neiman Marcus, but just as classy.
Just when you think you've see it all, Santa taking a bath being watched by a reindeer. COMPLETELY Inappropriate and TOTALLY creepy.
Bought Willie D some Longhorn pj's.
The first morning is always the best, since we're the farthest from having to leave.
Said hey to the buds.
Addy got in her morning run. She loves to run fast in the pasture.
Followed by her morning swim.
I'm kicking myself that I didn't buy this Christmas boot deco at the tractor store!
Addy finds it ridiculous the humans want to share the couch.
Rosie refuses to fight for it.
Love this from the big pasture.
Found a pecan tree and picked some.
Took a creepy picture of John in the dark.
And Emma.
Addy tried to get Olivia wet after a swim.
We had a fire, that was interesting because of the wind.
John went arrowhead hunting carrying a bucket. He made lots of friends.....quickly!
And one got more curious than the rest.
And curiouser.
And curiouser!
Seriously dude....personal space!
The girls went and bought a football and tee. And found the strangest place to keep it.
Addy hid some pecans. How did we ever figure it out?
Hank did an impression of a donkey.
Addy continued her not making friends with the horses streak.
Caitlin feed the horses some apple oatmeal snacks.
As Addy worked the "drop zone."
She's quick on those apple oatmealers!
Then Caitlin got a bright idea.
Not bad looking here.
She got cocky.
It still looks OK here.
Then it went south, and didn't get better.
And I laughed til I cried.
She thought Hank was bringing her back, but she ended up on the pasture floor. Hank DID NOT feel bad about it.
Of course we took rides. This is one of my most favorite houses in the world. And it's for sale!
And in preparation of going home, Addy had to have a bath.
And she always gets so pist about it.
And leaving
Is the worst part..
And Addy stresses about it the whole way home.
And that's the trip in a nutshell. Gots to go to bed as others are about to get up for the day. God bless to all people having surgery. Peace and good news are here!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahahahahahaha i went and looked and laughed out loud for sure!!!