Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Texas trip preview

After a week of vacation, we arrived home safely on Sunday, and I'd say the entire trip was a rousing success. I've got so much in my head to type out, it's making me a little crazy, and we seriously took so many pictures of landscapes and sunflowers and sunsets that it's out of control. I still don't know why I stand in the same place and take the same picture 8 times and then move the camera 2 inches and take 8 more. I end up with 16 pictures of the same square footage looking exactly the same. I need to tell myself to stop it, but I never listen. Anyway, all that's to say, going through and editing 1000 plus photos, and I'm not even kidding, is a time consuming chore.

If anyone's wondering how the book reading went, I took roughly 10 books, and.....wait for it.....never cracked one. Yep, pretty proud of it. That was sarcasm in case it didn't come through. And even though I came home "book ignorant" we had much fun and made some new memories, which I always love. I'm very grateful for memories. So at this juncture, I'm hitting the highlights while I work on the deets. That's details in case you were wondering.

We started the weekend in Dallas at a beautiful wedding.

Parents of the bride with the newly married Walkers.

LOVED the hot pink shoes with the black dresses. LOVED!

Kelly, the beautiful bride wearing a gorgeous dress. One of my all time favorite wedding dresses ever.

Even baby William came for the festivities.

Oh Lord.

Clearly Owen's outnumbered. Even with this passle of girls, that's not all of them! Melanie and Carrie are missing.

After the wedding that night, my family and Maggie headed to the farm. And Billie June said it best at the wedding when she said to us, "In 24 hours your world is gonna be very different from this." And she was right.

We went from the concrete jungle in big Dallas.

Addy's first trip to the big city.

To the country roads of Texas.

Where the sunsets were stunning every night.

And the fireworks engulfed Caitlin's face.

And the horses were happy to see anyone bringing apple and oat treats. Which smelled delish if I do say so.....and I just did.

And Maxine always shows up.

And 17th birthdays are celebrated.

With the Gmaw.

And glowing pastures show up in the setting sun.

And big red skies shake heads in awe.

And sunflower fields take your breath away.

And new favorite photos are created.

And new memories are made.

Never to be forgotten.

And a sky like this makes me sigh.

And this paint makes me want to take him home with me.

And I can't resist the urge to take one thousand photos.

In pursuit of the perfect picture.

Which will probably never happen, but I'm pursuing it anyway.

It was one of the best trips ever, and I'll tell you all about it as the days unfold.

Stay tuned and come back to see it all.


gnar car said...

way to rub it in!!!!!!

gnar car said...

in other news, is that german choc? weird because we had that for gma's celebration in dallas on thursday night.

Caitlin said...

Carlie, apparently Owen decided it was his favorite too. I swear it was because he heard gma had that and he knows we prefer white so was going to get us.

Caitlin said...

Also, I look a hot mess in that photo of me and WDS!