Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Wrapping up christmas....see how I did that?

Next up after the gift ripping at Grandma's was sitting, talking, eating some more and playing with my iPad! See? Olivia's playing with it, Grandma looks quite depressed, Jared's intrigued by what Carlie's about to do and Carlie just looks plain scary.

Cute pic!

The bombers are back.

People milling about.

Check out Olivia in the mirror.

People finally grouping for a poser picture.

Backatcha Carlie. Again, Olivia in the mirror.

Mollie's really enjoying her drink.

Maggie's settling in for a long winter's nap, and Mollie's pose hasn't changed.

Looks like Carlie just punched Grandma, and Whitney doesn't approve. Mollie's still holding the pose.

Carlie seems to have declared herself the winner of punching the old lady, and Mollie finally came up for air from her cola.

Check the faces left to right: Grandma, Whitney, Mollie.

Carlie's thinking about giving Maggie a wet Willie, and Mollie's clearly pleased with herself.

Mollie still? What Whitney?

Cute picture!

Carlie and Marlie....hey that rhymes!

All three are intent on something.

Slumber in pictures.

Somebody may need to check some pulses.

Photo bombers back in full swing.

Emma's werqing it.

And again.

Seriously, pulse check on Billie.

Then Carlie kicked em all off so she could spread.

And this is what the rest of the night becomes. Caitlin thinks I can't see her hiding behind my iPad.

Yes, I can see you.

And there you have it. Christmas 2011 in the books and on the blog. Frankly, I'm over it.

I shall now begin the arduous process of uploading North Carolina pictures and writing about it. So people, be patient. I think it'll be a few days before you see another post.

Lata roomies...

I know none of you are my roomies. It was just what came to me first.


1 comment:

gnar car said...

i am just loving how much i'm in this post.