Friday, January 13, 2012

The weird, the wild and the wacky

This next posting of pics is from Melanie's camera and were taken on that same Friday night at the Gmaw's. But after perusing them a bit, I'm certain she took very few or almost none due to the strangeness of them all. By the look on the faces of the peeps, it would seem the entire family was unaware their photos were being taken for posterity....or for laughter. Because very few of the photos flatters its subjects. So beware. If you're expecting to see yourself. Be ready to be amused or horrified. But because I'm an equal opportunity poster of bad or questionable quality least this time.....I'm posting mine up top. But only because even though these pictures are out of order in the grand scheme of things, they are in order in this post. Got it? No matter, because I do and it helps me sleep at night. SO I don't want to hear any whining about what people look like. We mostly look weird, scary or suspicious. I've studied them. I know.

Someone called my name. I was surprised. And it would seem the surprise scared all my makeup off which would mean I had no business throwing stones at Billie in the previous post. That face is frightening. However, Maggie in the background found yet another chance to bomb it.

Have no idea what's going on here other than she's doing an impression of a roaring lion. I think she nailed it.

As I'm in the foreground pretending to listen to someone intently (and still scary looking I might add) Maggie's moved on to her monkey impression. I think there's a future in animal impressions.

I'm guessing this is a recreation of Whistler's Mother? And look at that ski slope of a nose shadow on the wall. That thing could cut glass.

Otis wandered in looking embarrassed in his weird elf collar situation that he felt was beneath his dignity. Just wait Otis, you shall receive a cute new spring green normal collar on Christmas morn from me!

Spectators sat by and watched the weirdness unfold whilst hogging the comfortable seating.

When suddenly Whitney became suspicious when someone called her name. "What do you want?" she yelled. "I shant give up my comfortable seat even though I've been sitting here forever. AND I think people are in cohoots to try and make me give up my prime real estate. And besides, Marlie's not budging!!" Carlie....just off to the side....seems to have just remembered she forgot to bring people free money from her job for Christmas. FREE MONEY!!

Fingers would point at Caitlin, sitting in a hard back chair, as being one in cohoots trying to get Whitney's better seating. She thinks it's time for a musical chair shift.

Dale, who likes to make quick getaways, always stands on the periphery of the action in the room so as to make a hasty exit anytime anyone so much as blinks!

Grandma's clueless and could care less about the seating since her seat has a lifetime reserved sign attached to it. Billie moves for no male or female.

Carlie's now sad realizing she had the chance to make people's dreams come true and she ruined it. Free money!

Whitney remained suspicious the rest of the night.

Melanie in profile.

We see who Whitney was suspicious of. But why the pic of the bird? Why?

Lauren looks bumfuzzled at the weird people she's visiting with. Now Becky in profile.

If I close my eyes, no one can see me still sitting in the comfy spot. YES WE CAN!! WE CAN SEE YOU!!

Gasp! Olivia realizes there's no escaping this weird family. Crikey!

This is a great close up of Keith's shirt.

Just another example of the strange and weird. Historically speaking, it would be assumed that John is dozing here but he's not. And I should know because I've seen the man sleep in every position possible....including standing up. And I'm not kidding.

I think we now know who took all the weird and the wacky pictures because before it's all said and bombers can't not bomb themselves!

There are multi layers to this picture.

If half faces was the goal. They nailed it.

Mollie looks loaded and Maggie looks as if she's gonna tell some young whipper snapper, "Sonny when I was your age we didn't have photo bombers."

Maggie's now told Mollie to play hide and seek with herself and she seems to be doing it.

Marlie looks a little spicious.

And there you have it.

The weird the wild and the wacky.

Yep that pretty much describes all of y'all.

See how I did that?

See how I left myself out?

Bloggers have that power.

The end.


gnar car said...

hahaha so funny.

sorry i forgot to bring you all that free money but i don't really feel that bad because of the ski slope comment! hahahah

Anonymous said...

I laughed all the way through that post. It was hilarious!!