Thursday, January 12, 2012

Christmas 2011 posting begins

I have quite the OCD when it comes to reporting any events in order of their occurrence. It's pretty extreme...bordering on, it's time to see a therapist. I can't stand it when the pictures aren't in order. All of these pictures have an assigned number, and I don't want the numbers out of order. I must have order! It's kooky but hey, that's me. So I'm beginning with the Christmas week and the first gathering of peeps as they came and went.

Lauren came to town first for duck hunting and present exchanging and togetherness was "what's for dinner." First up: opening gifts at the Turners house. Cute pic.

Uh oh, bad gifter. Did Austin really give Lauren a shotgun for Christmas? That would be so bad. Nah, he wouldn't do such a thing. They were practicing for the next morning's duck hunt. I'm not gonna say what I think of that look on her face. BUT, confident duck hunter ain't it. I feel certain my face would look very similar if someone handed me a shotgun and told me to aim at something. Ducks in the sky and all over Louisiana would be safe with me in a duck blind aiming a gun at them. Fly freely little duckies.

That looks' still not working in the, "I'm gonna kill me some ducks" category. Also as a disclaimer, no ducks were injured in the duck hunt the next morning, however, the same can't be said for the really.

One more cute photo.

Then after the next morning's duck hunt, it was on to Grandma's Friday night to meet and greet Becky and Keith and visit with peeps. Billie decided makeup wasn't a necessity. Billie, you should have gotten a second opinion.

Awwww look at father and son.

Lauren, Austin and the BJ.

A girlie photo. On any given moment once a camera's brought up to the photographer's eye, someone in our freaking family is gonna be bombing. Count on it. Work on that smile Carlie.

There we go, much better effort.....thank you.

The three of these peeps make one motley crew.

An Emma with straight hair is a more mellow Emma than an Emma with curly hair. It's a scientific fact.

Keith in his Christmas red. I tried for a long time to come up with something smart alecky here and got nothing. I'm really disappointed in myself.

More girlies showed up so it was time for another girlie photo.

And then late that night it was time for some primping.

I pondered whether or not I should have posted this pic due to Emma maybe smacking me, but Maggie's expression was just too priceless to pass up. I'll now go into the witness protection program.

Up next: there are more photos from this same night at Grandma's, but in spite of them being out of order (it's making me shudder just thinking about it) I've decided to put all of them in a separate post. You'll see why when it's finished. Hopefully sometime soon.

Gots to go herd small children for a few hours!


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