Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Like mother like son...

I hope this gives everyone a laugh for the day instead of a little tear. I thought after the way the day started, it might be nice to infuse a little humor into it. These are Melanie's photos that she showed me yesterday. THEY CRACK ME UP! There's nothing like a beach nap to add to the loveliness of a vacation. And there's nothing like the deliciousness of pictures like these to remember the vaca nap! Of course don't get mesmerized by Gmaw and not notice Frank in the background. His close-up was very near happenin though.


gnar car said...

i have one of dale that is just like them!

i am still mourning the loss of my precious thaddeus. there will never be another like him.

Unknown said...

Love it!!!! A crazy morning it was.