Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Some more random thoughts

I love the picture of these eggs so much that it may remain for months. Or, I could just rotate them out over and over. It doesn't seem logical that I love the picture of just a few eggs but truly I do. They are just fabulousness in a small roundish oval.

We watched Glee tonight. I hope they don't screw up that show like they usually do. It cracks me up most of the time. We have a group watching at Melanie's each week so we can observe the crazy and funny together. So far, so fairly good. The jury is still out for the long term however. Hollywood generally tends to screw up a good thing. We shall see.

In other news, graduation is 2 weeks from tonight when Olivia busts out of her huge class of one and enjoys her final summer before college. My, my, my where does the time go? She will be 18 years old on May 8th. That's just too unbelievable. Her senior video is coming along quite wonderfully under the direction of Melanie....and Carrie you better be bringing a hanky or 5 cause you will be a blubbering mess. NO DOUBT. Pictures set to music just changes the whole mood of it all. It becomes something else. It becomes a treasure that evokes memories and nostalgia and a wistfulness that I cannot explain.....but surely it does. It's quite fantastic.

Owen is finishing up with his schoolwork this week and then we will have little or nothing to do. Yikes! I need to find a hobby that pays thousands of dollars a day. If anyone knows of any, gimme a shout out.

After it rained a couple of times in the last week, the green of the trees is just the most stunning color. There's nothing that can compare to it. Today the sun was shining through my crape myrtle leaves and it was so lovely. The green of spring is like no other. If you haven't ever noticed, take a look. It's worth it.

There were no extremely funny events that occurred in my life today. I'm not sure I laughed enough at all. I'll have to work on that tomorrow and see what I can make happen. I'll be like Maggie.....I make it happen. I'll explain that another day.

Also Owen just informed me he could hear John snoring through the wall. Oy vey. It may be a long night OR time to listen to music as I try to drift off and block out the jack hammer of the snore. sigh..............

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